The Slogan
Embracing our roots at Maryknoll; Centenary and beyond, we stand tall.
紅磚百年 馨德傳承
English: "The slogan spreads the message that Maryknollers will embrace our roots, stand tall and united, and contribute to home, to country, and to the world for many more centuries to come."
Chinese: 「紅磚百年,馨德傳承」- 建校百年以來,瑪利諾一直秉持校訓「明德惟馨」
The Logo
As Maryknoll steps into its 100th anniversary, this logo is designed as a commemorate of its journey.
"Embracing our roots at Maryknoll; Centenary and beyond, we stand tall."
In this logo, a simple silhouette of the school campus is embraced by the number 100, symbolising Maryknoll entering its first century.
The main colour of this logo is brown, which is the same colour found in the buildings of our campus.